Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I finally found a jar (in my basement stash of IKEA jars) to make up an ISPY game for Molly. I got this idea from Meet the Dubiens after seeing her idea on Pinterest.

And, of course I had to glass etch I-SPY onto the bottle. (yes, I still have my glass etching addiction, my husband was nervous when he saw me get the Armour Etch back out) ;)

Here are the random things we added to our jar. I printed a copy of this picture, laminated it, and added a ring to the corner so I could hook it to the metal on the top of the jar. I filled the jar with white rice, and then hot glued the top on for extra assurance it wouldn't open. Molly's favorite thing to search for are the letter beads to spell her name! :)

1 comment:

  1. CUTE! I love it! Marlee isn't into I spy yet, but hopefully when she is I can do this! :)
